First of all,I would like to say out my grateful to Almighty God that I am given a good health and because of blessing from Him,I can finish up this short coursework within the given time.I want to say a lot of thanks to my beloved mother,Siti Bidah Binti Jusoh that always gives me motivation and support.Her motivation encourages me to do the best in any assignment or short coursework.
Then,I want to express my gratitude to my English Studies lecturer, Mr.Gengatharan Das who is the one that gives me this short coursework.He gives us a handout and brief us about this short coursework.The briefing makes me understand what should I do.
Besides,I am also want to thank to my friends and who helped me especially to my group.They are Nadiah,Syafiqah and Siti Nadiah.By doing this short coursework,I practiced myself to be more cooperate when doing the activity in group.
Last but not least,I want to thank to myself that I can finish up this short coursework eventhough there are some obstacles in completing this.I am really hope that this short coursework can give many inputs to me
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